Family Name, First Name
Hochschule FH AachenHS AalenHS AschaffenburgBerliner Hochschule für TechnikHTW BerlinFH BielefeldTH BingenHS BochumTH BrandenburgHS CoburgB-TU Cottbus-SenftenbergFH ErfurtHS EsslingenHS FlensburgHS FuldaHS HarzHS HeilbronnTH IngolstadtEAH JenaFH KielTH KölnTH LübeckHS MannheimHS MittweidaHS MünchenFH MünsterHS NiederrheinTH NürnbergOstfalia HShtw saarFH SüdwestfalenHS TrierWestfälische HSHS Würzburg-SchweinfurtHS Zittau/GörlitzWSH Zwickau
Mexican city to visit MonterreyGuadalajaraQueretaroMexico CityPueblaMerida
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Modality of preference In persononlinehybrid
Intercultural training will hapen in June or July. It is 8 hours divided in two days. When is more convenient for you? Friday morningFriday afternoonSaturday morningSaturday afternoon
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